The operand entry or subentry in machine instructions that specifies the number of bytes at a specific address that are affected by the execution of the instruction. 机器指令中的操作数项或子项,定义由于执行指令而受影响的特定地址的字节数。
The Entry into WTO and the Innovation of Governmental Administration Instruction 加入WTO与创新政府行政指导
The application of transference theory to the language of English e-ducation means that teachers'transference strategy in their lecture contributes to emotional entry into students, bridging emotional gap between teachers and students and achieving higher classroom instruction efficiency. 移情理论应用于英语教学语言中,就是教师使用教学语言时运用移情策略,能起到向学生移入情感的作用,缩小与学生在情感上的差距,从而取得更好的课堂教学效果。
With the drawbacks of the traditional teaching-centered instruction as the entry point, the dissertation puts forward the important standpoint of constructing a learning-centered instruction paradigm, and that the designing of constructivist learning environments may be a feasible approach to it. 论文将以教为中心的传统教学存在的弊端作为切入点,提出构建以学为中心的新型教学范式的重要论断,并进而指出设计建构主义学习环境是建立新型教学范式的可行出路之一。